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Blue Bloods

This show is amazing! A family of police commissioners, cops and DAs fighting crime in NY. Every single episode stands on its own merit and the acting is good, the characters are more than likable and the plots get very deep. I only regret that I didn't hear about this show when it first came out. Oh. and the stunning aerial shots of post 9/11 NYC Love to see a second version with Chris Rock voiceover.

The quality is surprisingly consistent by today's standards. I particularly appreciate that it is less serial dependent as every show stands on its own much like Law and Order did for so many years. Tom Selleck is a strong anchor and the supporting cast certainly hold their own. Turns out boy-bander Donnie Wahlberg is an exceptionally good actor (and cop for that matter). Addendum: Season 5 - Dropped my rating back to 4 stars cuz my pet peeve is arrogant writers who think it appropriate to school us ignorant TV viewers on whatever political axe they are grinding at any given time. I came here to be entertained, if I wanted to be politicized I would watch Bill Marr's PC school not a cop drama! Addendum: Season 7 Episode 6 - Ok, I'm out. If pushing their previous political agenda wasn't enough now they have clearly boldly gone where no show has gone before, i.e. the tip of the spear in push for legal pedophilia! Think I'm hyperbolic? Then give me one legitimate reason for this episode! Just like Hollywood starts with women mackin' out with each other on TV to soften you up incrementally before the guys start deep tonging in front of your kids, in this episode they start small with a young substitute teacher and 17- 18 tear old boys, and a car accident brain injury that makes her a helpless victim. Gimme a freeking break, it's the same old "camels nose under the tent" crap that they always use! This is the family hour and Tom Sellick is a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Ratings & Reviews

Nathaniel Alvin Wortman

5 star rating
5 star rating

1,651 ratings (average: 4.16)

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Ratings & Reviews

Nathaniel Alvin Wortman

5 star rating
5 star rating

1,651 ratings (average: 4.16)

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  • This show is amazing! A family of police commissioners, cops and DAs fighting crime in NY. Every single episode stands on its own merit and the acting is good, the characters are more than likable and the plots get very deep. I only regret that I didn't hear about this show when it first came out. Oh. and the stunning aerial shots of post 9/11 NYC Love to see a second version with Chris Rock voiceover.

    The quality is surprisingly consistent by today's standards. I particularly appreciate that it is less serial dependent as every show stands on its own much like Law and Order did for so many years. Tom Selleck is a strong anchor and the supporting cast certainly hold their own. Turns out boy-bander Donnie Wahlberg is an exceptionally good actor (and cop for that matter). Addendum: Season 5 - Dropped my rating back to 4 stars cuz my pet peeve is arrogant writers who think it appropriate to school us ignorant TV viewers on whatever political axe they are grinding at any given time. I came here to be entertained, if I wanted to be politicized I would watch Bill Marr's PC school not a cop drama! Addendum: Season 7 Episode 6 - Ok, I'm out. If pushing their previous political agenda wasn't enough now they have clearly boldly gone where no show has gone before, i.e. the tip of the spear in push for legal pedophilia! Think I'm hyperbolic? Then give me one legitimate reason for this episode! Just like Hollywood starts with women mackin' out with each other on TV to soften you up incrementally before the guys start deep tonging in front of your kids, in this episode they start small with a young substitute teacher and 17- 18 tear old boys, and a car accident brain injury that makes her a helpless victim. Gimme a freeking break, it's the same old "camels nose under the tent" crap that they always use! This is the family hour and Tom Sellick is a wolf in sheep's clothing!